Startup Resources
Our office maintains contacts with angel and venture capital investors, accounting and law firms and many other startup-related service providers. Please contact a member of TIA to discuss your plans and how we can help.

TIA’s program established to help the growth of UCSB startup companies

UCSB I+E is a hub for the programming of all departments on campus that support our innovators and entrepreneurs. The resources below will also appear on the UCSB I+E site.

UCSB has a variety of research facilities available for use by external companies for a daily or hourly rate

A maker-space and rapid-prototyping facility. Tools include 3D printers, a laser cutter, and a CNC router – all with easy to learn user interfaces – as well as hand tools for mechanical, electronics, and plumbing assembly. The Innovation Workshop is open to on campus researchers, students, and companies.

Provides entrepreneurship education with a focus on environmental products and services

The Innovators Circle at UCSB is a campus-wide gateway to a community of entrepreneurs and innovators who collectively pool their talent, networks, and capital to support one another, the university, and an ecosystem dedicated to elevating innovation.
Los Angeles Cleantech Incubator (LACI) provides support for startups with a strategic focus on transportation & mobility, clean energy, and smart, sustainable cities. LACI is committed to taking action on climate change and creating a cleantech community that integrates women, people of color and the underserved to build an inclusive green economy. Los Angeles Venture Association (LAVA) provides forums where entrepreneurs and executives of start-up, emerging growth and late stage venture funded companies actively meet and learn from fellow executives, investors, bankers, financial advisors and other providers of professional services. Biocom creates valuable networks that accelerate member success in Los Angeles through a variety of programs, including specialized events, targeted conferences, expert committees, leadership dinners, industry-focused meetings, scientific roundtables, venture capital days, and member-to-member networking. Cyclotron Road supports leading entrepreneurial scientists as they advance technology projects with the potential for global impact.
The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) encourage small businesses to engage in federal research and development with the potential for commercialization.

Stanford eCorner
Grounded in research and educational insights from Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP) faculty in the Stanford University’s Department of Management Science & Engineering (MS&E), Stanford eCorner is a free resource for educators, entrepreneurs, organizations and governments around the world.