About the ACTIVATE PoC Fund

The ACTIVATE Proof of Concept (PoC) Grant Fund was created to increase the technology readiness level and validate the potential market of select UCSB-owned inventions. The fund also meaningfully advances these projects toward a commercial outcome. 

The fund  bridges the gap between the early stages of a project and the launch of a startup company or the licensing of technology. The ACTIVATE grant program provides funding and mentorship for the project team thereby allowing them to move an early-stage project toward commercial viability.

The technology to be developed must be UCSB-owned, and to qualify for funding, a completed invention disclosure form describing the innovation/technology of interest must have been disclosed to and accepted by TIA.

Key dates

  • Application Submission Period Opens: Friday, Sept 27, 2024, at 11:59pm (PT)
  • Application Submission Period Closes: Wednesday, Oct 30, 2024, at 11:59pm (PT)
  • Awards Announced: mid-November 2024

Application deadlines are firm. 

Grant applications can be submitted once per year in September/October, depending on the availability of funding.

Access the ACTIVATE Proof of Concept (PoC) Grant Fund Application. 



Grant Details

Grant Details

All the details about ACTIVATE PoC Grants

Grant funding is used to increase the technology readiness level and validate the potential market of select UCSB-owned inventions and to meaningfully advance these projects toward a commercial outcome, as measured by a license to an existing company or by the formation of a new company.

The ACTIVATE program is administered and managed by UCSB Office of Technology & Industry Alliances (TIA). TIA expects to award 4 grants, each up to a maximum of $50,000 with a maximum grant term of 18 months. One 6-month no-cost extension will be permitted; initial grant term will be 1 year. UCSB strongly recommends that up to 10% of the funds be used by the grantee for customer discovery/market assessment-type activities.

In summary, the ACTIVATE PoC Grant Program will support only those projects that develop technologies to bridge the gap from fundamental basic and applied research to validated, commercial-ready opportunities.

For full details, refer to the ACTIVATE PoC Grant Fund Guide or the grant application

Ineligible Projects

Examples of inventions that are ineligible for this funding program include, but are not limited to:

  • Open-source software development projects with the intention of making the code/software freely available to the public.
  • Purely academic or literary works without a commercial market.
  • Older innovations previously disclosed or made public more than five (5) years before the last day of the application submission period closed.
  • Inventions/innovations with co-ownership with outside entities (including other universities) or that have contractual restrictions on future licensing (e.g., inventions generated under sponsored research agreements).
  • Inventions/innovations that are not solely owned by the university (e.g., personal projects of faculty for which UCSB doesn’t hold title or inventions made solely by undergraduate students).

Who is eligible to apply?

The ACTIVATE program is open to all full-time university faculty, full-time graduate students, and post-docs working with a faculty member on a project. However, a faculty member, or a UCSB employee with PI status, must serve as the Principal Investigator for the grant.

To qualify for funding, a completed invention disclosure form describing the innovation/technology of interest must have been disclosed to and accepted by TIA. Upon receiving confirmation of an assigned University of California case number by TIA, an ACTIVATE PoC application may be submitted.





Successful applications will include

Applications must include the following in a single document and may not exceed five pages total in length. Applications must be single spaced, have 1-inch margins, and minimum 11 point font.

Applications must be submitted using the Office of Research Internal Funding & Limited Submissions Competitions website.

  • Project Description (maximum 4 pages) that includes:
    • Name, title and contact information for the ACTIVATE Grant PI along with a brief biography of the PI and any key personnel. A link to lab web sites or to LinkedIn profiles may be used instead of including detailed biographical information.
    • ACTIVATE PoC Project title (maximum 50 words) and abstract (maximum 300 words).
    • Discussion of the significance and scope of the PoC project with a detailed timeline that includes anticipated milestones/outcomes (must include 4 specific quarterly project milestones that will be achieved during the 1-year term of the grant) and possible deliverables (such as proof-of-concept data, a prototype, or a go/no-go decision on commercialization).
    • Description of the relevant market needs and plans for customer discovery/market assessment-type activities.
    • The commercial potential of the innovation and the probable future development timeline.
    • Summary of any interest already expressed in the associated UCSB-owned invention/PoC project by potential industry partners, investors, or commercial sponsors/licensees.
    • List of all relevant UCSB-owned pending patent applications, patents and/or invention disclosure(s). Please list applicable UC case number(s).
    • Budget and budget justification indicating how the requested funds will be used. (maximum 1 page). The proposed PoC project budget should not exceed $50,000. Faculty salaries may not be paid using ACTIVATE PoC grants funds, however, graduate student, postdoc, staff/technician time as well as payments to consultants and third-party suppliers of certain services are eligible. Other allowable costs include materials, equipment and research supplies. Student tuition, travel expenses, and indirect costs cannot be included.

Applications longer than 5 pages will not be accepted or reviewed.

Evaluation criteria

Applications will be reviewed by an external advisory committee of 8-10 experts including serial entrepreneurs, industry scientists and business leaders, venture capitalists, angel investors, technology transfer/licensing experts, UCSB alumni who have founded companies, current and former California Nanosystems Institute (CNSI) entrepreneurs-in-residence. Some external review committee members will be also invited to serve as mentors for funded teams.

TIA will also ensure compliance with the PoC grant program criteria and eligibility requirements by conducting an internal compliance review of each grant application. Applications that meet all the ACTIVATE grant program criteria will then be passed on to the external advisory review committee members for review and scoring.

Applications will be reviewed in a three-stage process:

  1. Internal Compliance Review: Applications will first be vetted by TIA licensing staff to confirm eligibility and confirm that all required materials have been submitted. Incomplete applications may be rejected.
  2. Independent External Review: Reviewers will independently evaluate the applications submitted against defined criteria using a TIA-provided scoring rubric.
  3. External Advisory Review Committee (EARC) Meeting: The EARC will then meet remotely for a half-day to full-day meeting, in the presence of TIA licensing staff, to discuss their individual application evaluations and come to a consensus on which applications should be funded.

External reviewers will be selected for their scientific subject matter expertise, business acumen, community/end-user knowledge, and experience with bringing a technology or product to the market.

The EARC will provide recommendations to TIA regarding which  applications they feel should be funded given scoring and budget. Selection and funding decisions will be made by the UCSB Office of Research, leveraging the Strategic Initiatives Group to make a final funding decision, if the PoC external advisory committee is not able to come to a consensus or there is a scoring tie.

Rejected applications may be re-worked and resubmitted in the next grant cycle. There is no appeals process, but applicants can request feedback from TIA. Reviewer names will not be shared to maintain a fair and impartial grant review process.



Proposal Evaluation Criteria

  • Significance of the problem to be solved/market need
  • Caliber and feasibility of the proposed project plan and timeline (which must include specific quarterly project milestones)
  • Likelihood that the PoC project will improve or advance the commercialization potential of the UCSB invention
  • Likelihood that the PoC project, if successfully completed, will lead to follow-on funding from government agencies, industry, investors, other commercialization support, etc. or will lead to licensing of the UCSB invention
  • Likelihood that the project will lead to a well-defined deliverable such as proof-of-concept data, prototype, or a go/no-go decision on commercialization of the UCSB invention
  • Reasonableness of the Budget given Project Description and Timeline


Proposals will be evaluated on a 0 to 5 scale by the EARC members for each of the 6 criteria:

  • 5 – Excellent: The applicant has included all of the required information and has made a very convincing argument in support of the criterion being scored.
  • 4 – Above Average: The applicant has included all of the required information and has made a reasonable argument in support of the criterion being scored.
  • 3 – Good: The applicant has included most of the required information and has made a fair argument in support of the criterion being scored.
  • 2 – Fair: The applicant has included most of the required information but has not made a fair argument in support of the criterion being scored.
  • 1 – Poor: The applicant has not included enough of the required information to make a fair argument in support of the criterion being scored.
  • 0 – Nothing Provided: The applicant neglected to include any relevant information.

Questions about the ACTIVATE Program?

Questions about the ACTIVATE PoC Grant Program can be sent to POCinfo@tia.ucsb.edu.

